Andres' is still a work in progress. It's just not coming together as easily as hers did! So, when it's completed I'll include pictures of it, too.
Mother's Day weekend came at a perfect time for us. We really needed some time together as a family of three. So on Saturday, we let Luke pick where he wanted to eat. We had a nice time together eating pizza and playing video games at a local place called Beach Bums. We talked a lot about the trip, our expectations, what to be excited about, etc. Luke is taking all of this in so well. I swear he seems to have aged a year since we learned of Maria and Andres. After we ate, we went to Target and surprised Luke with an early birthday present--a Nintendo DS. He was so excited. On Sunday, we decided to go to the Royals game. Usually by this time in the year, we would have been to a handful of games, but the adoption has thrown our life out of whack a bit and we haven't had time to go. The weather was absolutely beautiful and we had a fantastic time together. There's nothing more relaxing than a beautiful afternoon watching baseball. Ok, I know the Royals aren't the best, but I am a big fan. I can't think of anything I'd rather do in the summer than go watch them play--ok, maybe watch Luke play and spend time with family and friends! : ) Here's a few pics from the game. Thank goodness I have sunglasses on as I m really starting to look as tired as I feel!
It was also nice to get to spend some time with my mom on Mother's Day. I can't imagine what life would be like without her! She makes it so wonderful being a daughter. I can't wait to have a daughter as well as I cherish the relationship I have with my mom. Hopefully, Maria will feel the same about me. I find myself thinking about Maria a lot. Since I am not familiar with having a daughter in my life, I am experiencing things in a different light now. Of course, Mother's Day, as I just mentioned, felt different knowing that I will soon have two sons and a daughter. But I am also seeing how having a girl will be very expensive! I have refrained from making any girl clothing purchases. However, when I was out last week, I ran into this dress, and I immediately saw Maria in it. I had to get it! Can't you just see her beautiful, dark hair and eyes in this?
Well, I need to sign off as I absolutely have to get a good night's rest tonight. I am exhausted. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers during this time. PLEASE say a few extra prayers that we can wrap up our adoption within 4 weeks. Some of the families there right now are in week #5. I don't want to think about what that will mean for us if we aren't finished with everything after 4 weeks. One thing is for sure, it would run us right into Luke's birthday, and by that time he is going to be ready to come home, I am sure. This causes anxiety, but the bottom line is that it is out of my hands. Just think positive thoughts!!!
I completely can relate to your lack of sleep. I have it on this end, too! I'm having to retrain myself, too. I'm used to having boys and having a girl. I know it's going to be fun!
We are flying to Bogota on May 24th. Hopefully we'll be able to meet you then.
What an adorable room!! I am so excited for you guys! We look forward to following your adoption journey and will be praying for you as you get everything ready and travel. God bless!!
Where did the time go?! I can't believe you are leaving Saturday. Know we'll be praying for you, and through our conversations, know that Luke will be a big part of our prayers too. I know he'll be a great big brother! I'm glad you got to spend some special time together as a family of three. I can't wait to watch as you become a family of five!
"For you shall go out with joy,
And be led out with peace;
The mountains and the hills
Shall break forth into singing before you,
And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."
Isaiah 55:12
PS- Thanks for all of your encouraging comments, they always come when I need them, and I am usually tearing up at the computer!
The room looks so good! We don't even have our referrel yet and I already bought some clothes. You have good restraint. May God fill your house with Peace these last couple of days.
Well, it looks like we will be in Bogota on fact, we have our Sentencia between 2-4 p.m. today and then will complete the remainder of our paperwork tomorrow and fly out to Bogota tomorrow night...perhaps we can arrange to get together to do some souvenir shopping or something on Sunday at the market...go out to eat, etc. Let's correspond over email...ours is
Man...the time flew by!!! Can't wait to follow your journey :)
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