We had plans to go to Montserrat today, but Carmen basically told us not to waste our time because it was too cloudy. So, instead, we decided to go to Maku, a market not too far from here with Colombian arts and crafts. Well, long story short, after stopping at various corners, trying to read an already confusing map, and asking a number of people who had never heard of the place how to get there, we completely struck out! We never found it and opted to have fried chicken at Frisby's instead. It was pretty funny, at one point, we were quite confused on where to go. Matt stopped a couple to ask them, in his most perfected Spanish (with a lot of "umm's" in between each word), if they could help us. They just kind of looked at him and told us in English that they didn't speak Spanish. We got a big laugh out of that one. What a relief, but it still didn't help us find the place. Our first time out to eat went very well. For the most part, the kids are very well behaved and stay in their seats. Of course, I don't want to leave out the part that Andres was strapped down in a high chair. : ) They are such incredible eaters and drink juice and water like they are constantly dehydrated. I can see that my grocery shopping frequency is going to have to change and that Sam's Club may become my new best friend. Oh yeah, side note--can anyone help me out here? While at Frisby's we saw a number of professionals on their lunch break eating their lunch with plastic gloves on. Now, I'm hoping it has something to do with getting germs from their hands to their food to their mouths, but I have to admit I began second guessing the quality of the food that has to be eaten with plastic gloves. I don't know. Weird. After we finished eating, we let the kids go over to a nice play area when it started pouring down rain outside. Being the well-prepared parents that we aren't, we had no umbrellas as they sat comfortably on our bedroom floor back at the B&B. So, we stayed at Frisby's a little longer than we had planned. When the rain let up, we decided to head back home. It was getting close to nap time and we didn't want to get caught out in a downpour. Frisby's, like many other places, has security guards. Not sure why--seems quite safe. However, if it is raining outside, the security officer will take a huge umbrella (some picnic-sized) and walk the person from his/her car into the restaurant. The other interesting thing here is that they make the craziest things look appealing. For example, Frisby's drive-thru was literally in a little alley. However, the alley was covered with greenery and flowers, quite beautiful, actually. Once home, the kids (M&A) took a nap for a couple of hours while Luke and I played another 5-6 hot games of backgammon. Then, matt and I had to get our finances figured out as we have no idea how much we are spending and withdrawing. Trying to get a handle on this exchange is not always easy.
We continue to be amazed by all three of our kids. Luke had yet another great day and is getting quite a bit more open to trying foods than ever before. Can you believe we didn't even entertain the thought of a PB&J or popcorn today? It's a miracle! And for the most part, he's been quite helpful with Maria and Andres. As for Maria and Andres, their personalities are really starting to come through. They are so self-sufficient in many ways. They LOVE to brush their teeth and beg to do it after each meal. They'd do it more than three times a day if we'd let them. That's probably why their teeth are so pearly white. Maria is incredibly helpful with keeping things picked up. After I gave Andres his medicine today, I left the bottles on the desk to go wash out the syringe. When I came back, she had them all put away in the ziploc bag that I keep them in. For dinner we had an incredible version of Colombian spaghetti with chicken, salad and the most easily peeled orange I have ever had. We had some oranges left over and the bottle of Ranch dressing that we bring to every meal (for Luke and now Maria)was on the table. As I finished feeding Andres, she gathered up all of the oranges and the ranch and took them up to our room, placing them in the refrigerator. When I think about the fact that she just turned four, she blows me away. She seems quite responsible for her age. We are starting to see some signs of why she received language therapy or at least what we would call speech therapy. She doesn't wholly (sp.?) complete some of her sounds and we notice this especially when she and Papi practice English words each night before bed. (Thanks, Susan, for those incredible English-Spanish books. She absolutely loves them!!) Today, was kind of a break through day with her. Not only was she nice to me almost the whole day (and I even got a few brasos/hugs)she said Luke's name. It's really cute to hear her say it in her little Colombian accent; however, it sounds a little more like the French pronunciation "Luc." It was also a big day in that she let me put some barettes in her hair (that fell out within 30 minutes) and ended the day with "mi Papi" (it's never just "Papi") putting all of her hair in a ponytail. When the kids do great things, we have taught them to give knuckles--Mimi, we have them ready for you! So, there were knuckles for all after the ponytail. A little about Andres. . . I think I have already said it but he is such a love bug! Today was not his best day as he whined quite a bit. But he makes it so easy to handle when he throws in a whine or two with that grin that makes everyone laugh and smile. He is quite the ham and is constantly giving me brasos y besos (hugs and kisses). He is starting to understand English a little better than Maria. Now, if we can just work on his speech. His sounds consist of Mama, Papa, ba (ball) and sssss or sssslll or ssshhhh. And most every sound that comes out of his mouth is accompanied by a point of the finger. He has a great pout that makes you laugh. This morning, he and Maria both got put in time out for the first time. He's been hitting a lot so I gave him two minutes of time out. He sat with his arms tightly across his chest and his bottom lip hung way out, but by the time two minutes was up, he was all hugs and kisses again. Maria is a different story. That was the one part of the day that she wanted nothing to do with Mami. She definitely holds a grudge and doesn't snap out of it unless it's with "mi papi!"
The stay here continues to go well. Food is awesome, people are gorgeous, B&B is welcoming. However, today I had my first issue with another person staying here. Andres and I were downstairs playing with a ball. He kept throwing it instead of rolling it. Since his throws were out of control, I tried explaining that we wouldn't play with the ball anymore if he threw it. Well, he threw it. So, I took the ball away and he came over and hit me. So I picked him, carried him to a chair as he threw his greatest tantrum yet, and set him down letting him know he had two minutes time out. Well, this lady who is here from Spain and adopting a 9 year old who doesn't really mind her came over, picked Andres up out of the chair and told me that he shouldn't get timeout and that he was just mad. I was shocked that someone would step in and tell me how to discipline my child. But that's what they do here. they are quite outspoken and like to take initiative and show you what to do and not to do. Until today, that hasn't bothered me. All of you who know me know that I typically will let my peace of mind be known, but today I held it in. Pretty sure I won't be able to do it again! : )
Well, it's time for bed. We have a big day tomorrow morning at 9am. It is known as Integracion. We will meet with a social worker, I believe, who will interview each of us to see how things are going. If all goes well, we will be awarded official custody of Maria and Andres. Then, the official paperwork frenzy begins to make the adoption official. Thankfully, I feel pretty good. When our attorney, Oscar, came by tonight, I was sitting with Maria talking to my step-mom on Skype. He asked her if she was happy with her new mami and Papi, and she gave a huge "Si!"
Thanks to all of you who have been posting comments. Matt and I look forward to them every day. While we are thoroughly enjoying our time here, it's so nice to have contact with people from the US. Being the only US family in the B&B, we need that connection! Your thoughts, prayers and kind words of encouragement make our every day. Keep 'em coming and we'll do our best to blog daily.
Matt: I really don't have anything to add to the blog today. Traci pretty much said it all. However, since we purchased this new camera, it looks like it is my job to add pictures to the blog (Traci still hasn't quite gotten a hold of the 15 step process for moving pictures from the camera to the computer to the blog). So, here we go . . .
Maria and her new dress (thanks Barbie!). She absolutely loved it. I do not think litle girls wear too many dresses in this part of Colombia. Temps in Bogota range from the low 60's in the day to the low 50's at night. So, even though we are fairly close to the equator, because we are in the mountains it remains fairly cool. Nevertheless, I think people here go a little overborad. While I am out waling around in a t-shirt, local Colombians have on coats, sweaters and the like. In fact, we have been reminded a couple of times by the staff here that when we take the kids out we should bundle them up. We kind of ignored this warning for a little while today and let Maria wear her dress (along with he new shoes that she is still extremely pround of).
Our two new litle rock stars (to add to the one we already have). I just hope the U.S.A. is ready for these two characters.
These were taken on our afternoon trip to the local Frisby's restaurant. Hey, some visitors choose to go to the Museo de Oro or Monseratte while in Bogota - we choose to eat chicken at the local chain. We opted for this after several minutes of looking for the Maku market without success. We got three kids meals and each came with an actual toy. Not one of those cheap little plastic things you get at McDonald's in the U.S. but more like something you would pull off the shelf at Walmart. As Traci explained, we had another downpour and were caught sans umbrellas. So, the kids played in the play gym for a while. Maria and Andres weren't too big on it but, as you can see, Luke had a blast. You can also see that by this point in the day we had to put a pair of pants and a sweatshirt on Maria.
Maybe this is boring to most people, but these are a few pictures of the street outside of Frisby's during the downpour. It probably lasted about 30 minutes before it let up enough for us to leave. However, as you can see fom this picture, the edges of most of the streets were pretty flooded. So, between that and places where the "sidewalk" is either being worked on or practically non-existent, it was a little difficult to get the stroller back home. I also carried Maria most of the way. Luke kept asking me when it is his turn to be carried or ride on my shoulders. So, while he has matured a lot on this trip, I think he has forgotten how physically big he actually is (or how old his dad is getting).
The "garden drive-thru" Traci described earlier. It was a lot prettier in person.
Here is one of the street vendors selling flowers. I'm pretty sure we do not own a vase big enough to hold any of these. I do have a couple of those pastic buckets in the garage, but they probably wouldn't look as nice on the dinning room table.
Back at the ranch. I had the song "Maria" from West Side Story on my iPod and played it for Maria. She giggled and we danced around our little room. Kind of a cheesy father-daughter moment, but it was fun (and for the guys at work - this is the only show tune I have on my iPod and I downloaded it for my daughter. So go easy on me when I return). You can also kind of see that Maria has her hair in a pony tail. This is infinitely easier than barets and as long as I am in charge of hair you may have to get used to this look (man, show tunes on the iPod and doing hair. I'm really in for it when I return to work).
Ciao! (Phoentially that is "chow" for my uncultured friends. That is how Maria says goodbye and it always makes me laugh)
Hi...found your blog through another and just wanted to say congratulations! Keep looking for Maku. Its definitely worth the trip. They have a couple of good Colombian cookbooks in English if you are interested in that along with lots of other great souvenirs.
Did you try the chicken fingers dipped in honey at Frisbys? They are actually pretty good!
Laura & Andres
PS Ciao is Italian, Chao is Spanish. Was confusing for me too when someone first told me. :)
Hey Traci! Sounded like a great day! The gloves--when we had "real american" food (are they ever so misguided) in Florencia (Bogota is different, they actually have food that we would eat in the states) we were given gloves to eat with the hamburger. Everyone around us were using them too. Our interpretor said because it so messy! So, I don't think it's the food, but the mess! The Colombian people are so very prideful even amidst the poverty...they are a proud people...they are a beautiful people! I felt like such a bum walking down the street next to some mujer in jeans and heels!
Glad things are going well and integracion is happening so quickly! Hopefully your court date will goes just as quickly!
Also, that mi mama, and mi papa--I think it is part of them being possessive and just in adoration...soak it in! I loved it when my children would run in and yell that phrase out...and my response would be, "mi, hija!" or "mami's hijo!" Terms of endearment are always good!
Also, that discipline thing--ew, girl--that bugged the heck out of me! It only happened in Bogota. Not in Florencia. Except--it was actually the staff at the Refugio. We didn't know much spanish, so Ben and I just had to remind each other--in just a little while we'll be home...
Anyways, have a great weekend! Beautiful pictures! Beautiful family!
I enjoy reading your blogs every morning. As I am finishing up the last days of school with stinky middle-schoolers, it has been refreshing to read about something much more important! I can't wait till you all get back and we can have some summertime together! Let us know what sizes the kids are really wearing.
Hey guys...I appreciate the pictures of the kiddos and the city. That drive-thru was amazing and I love, love those long stemmed flowers. Traci...they looked about your height?!
Our weather today sounds like yours! It is chilly for May and today is the day all the pools are opening - bummer! Good thing for dvd rentals at the library...and of lots of book reading too, of course:) Kung Fu Panda (Jack Black) comes out in two weeks - yea!
Wow...interesting time-out story. That is a big cultural difference! Toddlers - we're knee deep in it too right now! Our new excitement: naked, potty boy! Loves to go on the potty chair, which is great, but doesn't like diapers in the crib. So, I get to wash sheets/blankets after every nap/bedtime. Gotta love the extra laundry (payback: I'm taking pics of him standing proudly naked to show later). We're moving him to the big boy bed tonight hoping that will help. We'll see..I'm going to miss confining him to the crib at night! It's a little weird having one we thought would go to kindergarten in diapers...and another who liked the potty before two! Okay, enough stories...just can't wait for our toddlers to play.
Praying for a smooth interview day - you guys will do great! Have a good weekend,
What a treat to check into your blog...you all make my day! Thanks for sharing. A little bit from school, Traci. We had our last day breakfast and all of the retirements and people leaving OE. It was a fun time but sad one as well. We have such a great staff..many of them will be missed!
I am so glad to be a part of this group--especially you!!
Sounds like the "honeymoon" is over for M&A---I love how they can understand time outs!! Take care...will look forward to reading about your next adventure! Love to all!
Good luck with the integracion today, I know it will be great.
Traci-I hope you are listening to your head that says how grateful you are that Maria was so close to and misses her foster mom. Before you know it, you two will be inseperable!!!!
Thank you for all the local pics, it's always so much fun to see the local scenery!
Traci-Your comments about Linda were in the power point this am, so sweet!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
I'm impressed Matt! Kurt still isn't real confident in his hairdressing skills! FYI- One of the easiest/fastest ways to do girls hair is headbands! I'm not sure if it would work with Maria's bangs, but my girls wear headbands all the time, especially when they don't want me messing with their hair!
Everyone seems to be adjusting so well and the kids look so happy! They are all three incredibly beautiful and I love their smiles! And I think the Maria song on the ipod is very sweet! You'll see now that you have a girl, all the tough guy stuff is out the window! She seems to have you wrapped around her little finger already!
You are both amazing parents and I think they are ALL doing so well because you have provided them with such a wonderful loving family!
Love, Laura
Also Traci- Thanks so much for bringing us dinner when we moved in. (I'm a little slow-I just sent your thank you note today!) I really can't believe you did that with all you had going on! It was delicious and the cookies were gone in about 2 minutes! I feel so blessed to have you as a friend! Can't wait till you all get back!
Hi Jensen Family!
Even tho we spoke & saw each other last night, I can't wait to read each day's blog. Traci & Matt, you make reading fun. And, if I never get to Bogota, I'll feel like I've been there.
Maria was so cute last night showing her new shoes. And I especially liked her dress over pants. Matt, it's so wonderful to see you taking the "Mama" roll during the interim. Evidentually, Traci will get her turn, but in the mean time, you will learn how to be a great backup.
Luke, we are soooo proud of you showing Maria & Andres how happy you are to have them as a brother & sister. You are the BEST!
Until the next blog or I'll time on Skyp, Chao!
Looks like you guys are having a blast! Love the pics...
Well, school is out for the summer and the first thing we did today was get up and check you blog! Everyone looks like they are becoming quite comfortable as a family of five! We love all of the pictures and smiling faces! Nate was quite impressed with the play equipment at the restaurant! He thought it was much better than anything he has seen here! Trent is loving the pictures of Andres! He is really curious to know what his favorite color. ...And thinks it is very important that Andres knows Trent likes the color Blue! I am sure you will put imparting that knowledge at the top of your list! :-)
We'll be looking forward to hearing about how today went with the "go ahead" for the adoption process!
Bye for now!
Matt...the song "Maria" is anything but cheesy. It will always be EXTRA special because you played it the night you and Traci surprised us with pictures of the beautiful grandbabies. I got teary-eyed seeing you and Maria dancing and envisioned you dancing to "Maria" for the father-daughter dance at her wedding (okay, that thought is cheesy)...keep the pictures coming! Miss you!
Knuckles to all, Mimi
Sounds like a great day! I'm still so surprised it's so chilly in Bogota. 60s is like winter! (At least for us South Floridians - it's been in the 90s here this week...)
Can't wait for today's update!
peace and blessings!
Matt & Traci - I love reading your blogs. You definitely could write a book about all of this. Will make a wonderful everlasting journal. We are now watching Jake (19 mos) for 7 days while his parents are in Puerto Rico. Love this stage! Right now he is in love with "Thomas the Train". We watched our other 3 grandkids this morning - wow I'm not used to 4 kids, especially with being so excited about being out of school. We had some "time outs" in our house today also. Your family is beautiful and I can't wait to meet them in person! Glad to hear that Luke is having a good time and adjusting to this big change in his life.
Wow! I just got caught up all your postings; I've been traveling. BTW, this is Kurt, as opposed to Laura posting under my name. (and no- Kurt doesn't refer to himself in the third person)
You all are so stinkin' cool!!! What a beautiful family, wonderful parents, awesome children, and an amazing experience you will forever cherish! The updates are entertaining and quite humorous!
Oh, and for Matt: No one will give you a hard time for the showtunes on your ipod. I'm just surprised that Maria didn't care for the song that followed on your ipod- most girls love "dancing queen" and "it's raining men". Have fun! Kurt
Hi guys!
You guys look like you are having some great bonding going on! I know the person you are talking about at El Refugio and we had "issues" as well with this person. You guys are doing an awesome job with María and Andres so keep it up and don't mind that other lady.
WAY TO GO LUKE WITH THE FOOD WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU! I told you, you would like it once you tried it!
Maku was a bit tough to find because it says "Artesanias" in red on the outside of the building. It is a red brick building with 3 or 4 floors. When you leave El Refugio take a right and then make a right on the street with "Abuelita's Sopas y Postres" you will pass Mimo's and then make a left on the street where the "Home Sentry" huge department store is (I think Carrera 19). Maku is on the left hand side just after the Juan Valdez Café. It is very close to one of the Zuetana's. Maybe Sheila and Dave can meet you there?
We made it home in one piece...YEAH! We were sad to leave everyone at El Refugio but now that we are home we are settling in nicely. It's nice to have space again!
BTW, there is are 2 restaurants up at Monserrate. One restaurant is Colombian food and the other is French food. The restaurants are a bit pricey but the views are spectacular and the service is really good! I hope you guys can get up there on a clear day.....listen to Carmen she will tell you guys when it is a good day to go.
Tell the ladies at El Refugio we miss them very much and Mark is waiting for his order of "Tostada Frances." Please let them know Alejandra is doing very well but misses her "sopita."
We will check in with you guys very frequently and are hoping you will hear of sentencia very soon! When is integración?
Our email is: adelman622@cox.net
Email us if you need anything!
Mark and Debi
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